The youngest kid (20) with ADHD-I and I, try to make acronyms more pronounceable, usually failing.

ADHD is an inaccurate — and potentially corrosive — name. The term “deficit disorder” places ADHD in the realm of pathology, or disease. Individuals with ADHD do not have a disease, nor do they have a deficit of attention; in fact, what they have is an abundance of attention. The challenge is controlling it.

Dr. Edward Hallowell and Dr. John Ratey

So, I have a diagnosis and like a Vegan Derby Girl, I am not sure what to tell you about first.

I have a long journey ahead and a deep pull to make amends, but it is not like that, and I am told it is unproductive from a treatment perspective.

So, for all the times I have said stupid shit, had a completely selfish melt down that I do not clearly remember but I am sure you do. All the people I have let drift away because I forget you exist when you are not right in front of me, this includes my parents and siblings and some very dear friends.

To all of those I am terribly sorry and sadly it will keep happening, hopefully less as I seek treatment and understand more about this thing that has been here all my life, letting me step on my dick at every turn.

I plan to write about the discoveries and strategies as I learn but not sure where or how, suffice to say it will be raw, because frank and fearless is how I roll.

That is all for the moment. Hit me up if you have questions, so far, I have about 7 days’ worth of answers.